R4GV: Putting People Before Politics

Residents for
Guildford and Villages

General Election : Fact checking

We want to see integrity brought back into politics, which is why we will be fact checking the local “information” used by the national parties until the election.

Local people addressing local issues

We are a diverse group of independent, free-thinking people from all walks of life. We strongly believe that honesty and integrity is more important than playing politics. A council free from the distractions of Westminster is best placed to serve its community.

Guildford Hot Topics

What's happening about...?

R4GV are committed to providing honest updates on what is happening in the council.   Our opinions will be kept separate from a factual account of what is going on.

Click on the links for the latest on Council Finance, the overdevelopment, the Town Centre or a variety of other topics

News and Events

Residents for Guildford and Villages will be publishing information on events and key items of local news. Please bookmark this site to visit regularly.

Councillor Colin Cross with R4GV candidate Dennis Booth at Wisley sign

General Election 2024 – Housing

As a purely local party, R4GV are not directly involved in the national elections.  That doesn’t mean that we are

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Support Us

If you would like to support us or get further involved, there are many ways to do so:

Becoming a Supporter is free of charge.

We ask for a voluntary contribution of £25 per year – if you can afford it – to help pay for events, communications and campaigns. Unlike the traditional political parties we have no paid officials – the R4GV Group borganisation is run entirely by volunteers.

If you’d like to become a Supporter just sign up for our UPDATES HERE and please make a donation if at all possible.

Stay Informed

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. If there’s anything you would like to bring to our attention, or anything you would like to discuss with us… or if you have any questions,

please fill in the form and we’ll get back to you.